No one lives in a perfect state of constant happiness. In fact, some of the happiest people still get sad from time to time. They just know how to bounce back from it quickly so they don’t stay in that state for a long time.

Healing is an active, living process.  The human body possesses an enormous, astonishing, and persistent capacity to heal itself. Disease generally occurs when we abuse our bodies or deprive them of basic requirements to keep us healthy over extended periods.

SELF-HEALING REGIMEN.......from illness to wellness

Self-Healing is a Science applicable and benefit to those who open their minds and bodies to allow this to happen.
If you intuitively feel that you’re a healer, or if someone has told you that, it’s important to trust your abilities and use them wisely.
Positive mindset Resonant breathing and inner Visualization can enhance your healing process.

The true healing is about wholeness, balancing mind, body and soul is in the report card.
The larger process of healing always will become a tapestry of actions that blend in elements of physical, mental and spiritual parts of one’s life. To do this fully, healing becomes a process of growth.

The human body has tremendous self-healing capacity and regeneration after injuries and pathogen invasions.

Illness is a state of unbalance often caused by bad habits, such as eating, sleeping, exercise patterns, pressure from interpersonal relationships or financial concerns, as well as other physiological and psychological factors. When certain unfavorable stimulation from the external environment causes illness, the body’s self-healing mechanisms try to return it to a healthy, homeostatic state and through which good mental health promotes good physical health.

What really matters is the series of personal choices you make:

·         Cultivating your body

·         Sustaining vital energy

·         Boosting your immune system

·         Focusing the power of your mind

·         Developing and refining your senses

·         Empowering your emotions

·         Creating health-producing behaviors to support spiritual and personal growth

Imbalance of the Elements is the CAUSE of DISEASES

The source of chronic (self-manifested) diseases is the impurity of any of the elements or if the elements are out of balance with another element in the body.

1.     Imbalance of Water element: This is visible as excess mucus, cold, sinusitis, swelling of glands, edema of tissues, blood thinning or blood clotting.

2.     Imbalance of Earth element: shows itself as general weakness in the body, loss of calcium from bones, obesity, cholesterol, weight loss and weight gain, muscular diseases etc.

3.     Imbalance of Fire element: manifests itself as fever, skin diseases like inflammation, increased coldness or heat in body, excessive sweating, hyperacidity, slow digestion and absorption of nutrients, toxins in the body, diabetes etc.

4.     Imbalance of Air element: leads to skin dryness, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, dry cough, bloating, constipation, lethargy, insomnia, muscular spasms, depression, etc.

5.     Imbalance of Space element: is visible as Thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, madness, ear diseases, etc.

Yoga helps us purify these elements and restore balance and health.

This is what natural self-healing can and should look like now:

·         Deciding to create successful new routines and activating them

·         Exercising healthfully, sleeping more regularly, reducing stress, going out in nature and developing mind-body skills

·         Learning to meditate, practicing breathing, focusing the senses—and simply appreciating yourself more.

Finding new ways of natural self-healing that engage your body, mind and lifestyle means finding your own style of practice that makes you feel healthy and happy.  And over time, through sustained and committed efforts, you may achieve a revolution of sorts— creating both personal change and societal healing.

What happens exactly during healing?

Well, Self - healing is based on two principles:

1.     the law of self-recovery (your body naturally heals itself)

2.     And the principle of interconnectedness. (That everyone and everything is made up of life-force energy called Prana.)

3.     The steps in Pranic healing are: scanning (feeling the patient’s energy), cleansing (removing problem energy) energizing (replacing the problem energy with healthy energy), stabilizing (to keep it in the patient) and releasing (to endure the healer doesn’t accidentally re-absorb the energy given to the patient)

4.     So, to put it shortly, we use the energy that interconnects us all and that makes up our bodies, to facilitate that natural healing process.


How strong is the power of the mind to heal someone?

The mind does nothing, but filter our reality through a particular set of thoughts, beliefs and experiences that help in facilitating how we experience that reality.

It is, and always will be our divine inheritance, present in our soul, as a facet of the creator, that is the impetuous for all things, mental, physical and metaphysical.

It is the consciousness to these divine gifts, that all at once shows Jesus's, Krishna, Moses and the Buddha's message as well as every other enlightened master, when we align with their lessons.

This was the warning behind “…eating of the tree of knowledge. Because it is warning us, that we create our reality with our thoughts… so if we believe we are just flesh and blood and that this is good and that is BAD!!!…we are destined to live out that limitation, through suffering its falsity.

While if we realize the self, realize our divine nature, suddenly nothing seems impossible, and so inherent the whole world.

SELF-HEALING REGIMEN.......from illness to wellness


The book revolves around the most of the healing techniques and made it in a very simple language. You can adapt and practice these techniques in under expert guidance and supervision for better results.

Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.
Small and simple changes, shifts in thinking, and self-improvement.
The Holy Bhagwat Geeta says that most of the modern-day diseases are psychosomatic – caused by mind. Emotional disturbances like hatred, anger and fear destroy not only our peace of mind but our health as well. They are often caused by the over-or-under secretion of the endocrine glands which secrete chemical hormones into the blood stream, which affects body functions like growth, digestion and energy levels, etc.
Yoga and meditation are capable of relieving stress and strain and creating a relaxed mind. When a relaxed mind recites specific shlokas from Bhagavad Gita it can cure specific diseases.
Rendering of verses is surely not going to cure diseases but it can be a supplement to regular medical therapies.
My goal is to normalize the anxiety of change, motivate people through transitions and support them positively along their path…
You need to have strong desire. Strong enough to overcome all distractions, doubts and weaknesses.

Align with nature’s rhythm and see your own radical change

"We all need to be healed in the highest sense by making ourselves perfect in mind, body and spirit. The first step is to realize that this is even possible."

What I discovered blew me away. The research proves—without a doubt—that without even being intentional about it, you can heal yourself of about 18-75% of them. We call it the placebo effect.

 What I discovered is that for the body to be healthy, you need to be healthy in all aspects of your life:

 You need:

·                     HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS

·                     A HEALTHY PROFESSIONAL LIFE


·                     CREATIVE EXPRESSION

·                     HEALTHY SEXUAL LIFE

·                     HEALTHY FINANCES

·                     A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT

·                     A HEALTHY MIND

This healing process is not just for injuries. It also takes care of normal, everyday wear and tear. Damaged, destroyed or dead cells are replaced in great numbers daily from our view, mouth, intestines, and blood.

The body is endlessly working to repair and regenerate itself. This happens to a great extent when we are sleeping — when our body’s energy is only minimally being used to sustain autonomic nervous system function (that is, involuntary functions such as heart beat), and most of it can be directed toward restorative and healing processes.

And of course, not to be completely ignored (biochemistry does still matter!) you need to care for your body with diet, exercise, sleep, addiction avoidance, and the traditional “healthy” behaviors.

"If you inherently long for something, become it first. If you want gardens, become the gardener. If you want love, embody love. If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation. If you want peace, exude calmness. If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. If you want to be valued, respect your own time. If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. This is how to draw it in, day by day, inch by inch."

Please note that I am not a doctor, health practitioner, or psychotherapist.  Nothing on this blog should be construed as medical advice.  Please seek appropriate medical advice for any health concerns you may have.

Find passion in yourself.
                 Bring passion into your life.
                                  Let your body + soul flourish in harmony.

SELF-HEALING REGIMEN.......from illness to wellness



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