Words have the potential to transform your life. Using Switchwords you can quickly dissolve negativity, find lost things or make small and big changes to your life.

Switchwords are a form of energy healing technique that involves using specific words to shift or "switch" the energy within a person. These words are believed to have the power to bring about positive changes in one's life by influencing the subconscious mind and the energy field. 
Switch words are simply the WORDS that determine and alter your energy from one dimension to the other dimension. 
Switchwords are used to focus the mind, remove mental and emotional blocks that by repeating these words or phrases, individuals can align their energy with their intentions and bring about positive changes in their lives. 


·         Alter your energies to bring the Universe to fetch your wishes

·         Bring more money in life

·         Remove lack of money

·         Help you get rid of diseases

·         Bring new work opportunities

·         Make you travel which you are dreaming for long

·         Send you overseas for studies

·         Help you find lost things, names and even roads

·         Make you stay away for unwanted situations

·         Manifest positive relationships

·         Help you heal yourself and others from PAST hurts or mend broken relationships

·         Dispel negative energy or converts negative energy into positive energy

·         Help you create new opportunities for yourself

·         Help you identify and heal the root cause or mental block that is stopping you from succeeding

·         Help you heal emotionally and spiritually

Following is a list of Switchwords & a few Switch phrases that also may be useful for students.

Words and Numbers for creating and altering reality. Creative Power, Effectiveness, Fun, Prosperity, Aliveness, Togetherness, Life Mastery and Life Satisfaction are possible with Switchwords and Numbers

During exams it was always Qualified-GENIUS-TRUMP-VICTORY-CHARM-100%. 

After exams till results, it was TRUMP-GENIUS-Qualified-VICTORY-CHARM-100%

1.     for students to improve handwriting (छात्रों को लिखावट सुधारने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)


        EC - 385884586 

2.     for memory loss (भूलने की बीमारी ठीक करने के लिए)


        EC - 85075007

3.     for removal of fear (डर/भय को दूर करने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड)


        EC - 6209979

4.     for students to stay calm and confident in exams (छात्रों को परीक्षा में शांत और आत्मविश्वास से रहने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)


        EC - 52671413

5.     to turn on confidence (आत्मविश्वास को बढ़ाने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)


        EC - 2070313

6.     to study a lot at the last moment (अंतिम समय में बहुत अध्ययन करने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)



        EC - 8194701

7.     for students to do well in studies, memorize, solve problems, find the right answer and give astonishing results (छात्रों को पढ़ाई में अच्छा करने, याद रखने, समस्याओं को हल करने, सही उत्तर खोजने और आश्चर्यजनक परिणाम देने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)


        (Chant / write with intention)

        EC - 369183469

8.     to pass in Exams (परीक्षा में पास होने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)

        ON - DIVINE

        EC -147020668

9.    to improve mental focus for students and people who do mental work (छात्रों और मानसिक काम करने वाले लोगों के लिए मानसिक ध्यान में सुधार करने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स

        SLOW CARE

        EC - 92,36,67,78,378

10.    to increase concentration and memory (एकाग्रता और याददाश्त बढ़ाने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड)


        EC - 78,46,68,77,326

11.   to remove all types of mental blockages, ailments and weaknesses (सभी प्रकार की मानसिक रुकावटों, बीमारियों और कमजोरियों को दूर करने के लिए दैविक स्विच वर्ड्स)



        EC - 8157574

        EC - 30058026, 7048932

How To Use Switchwords?

Switchwords are used in many ways.

Simple usage:

• Chant, whisper or say loudly many times daily. Don't count... never focus on a number. Focus on intention. The more chanting the better.

• Write them down in a notebook many times daily. Don’t count... Just write more times...

• Meditate them.

• Write them on your body once after every bath. But don’t write on your body when results are needed in another person.

• Write them on a sticker paper and stick that sticker on the body. Use a different sticker daily for hygienic reasons.

• Write them on wrist bands, knee guards, clothes or anything we wear. Sky is the limit for your imagination. For example, write hair growth Switchwords on a hair band and wear it on head.

• Write on a paper and stick on a water bottle (or write on bottle directly) and drink that water in sips throughout the day. But after 15 minutes of writing.

What are Energy Circles? (EC):

Energy Circles are a simple means of broadcasting the Energy components presented in them.

Anyone can create an Energy circle with Switchwords or Number codes or with both. All you need is a white paper (white both sides) and a pen. Just write the Switchwords or numbers or both on a white paper and draw a circle around it. The Energy circle is ready. The circle need not to be perfectly round. Any shape is fine.

Energy circles can also include Defusing words, Energy Frequencies, Names of Bach flower Remedies, Names of Homeopathic Remedies, Animal Spirits etc.

Just by making Energy Circle by hand or by taking colour print of an image of Energy Circle, they start working. No special activation is needed.


You can chant either as full number or in plain digits. Full number is more effective than plain digits.

You can chant for others also....

Don't spend your energy focus on counting the number of times. Focus on wish, intention, outcome...

Writing on body:

Write on body or write the numbers on a sticker paper or tape and stick on body. Only write once after every bath.

Writing many times in a notebook:

Just an alternative to chanting... Some members find it easier than chanting... repeat the number while writing many times...

Writing on walls:

Harmony numbers, Black Magic numbers, Protection numbers, pest control numbers, Negativity cleansing, if you feel so, etc can be written directly on a wall. As they are for working in that specific area....

For your health and wishes, this method doesn't work... follow above methods.

Colours for different aspects:

Green - for increasing and growth...

For Abundance, Money, Business, Hair growth, height to increase etc....

Red - For reducing size and also for health....

For weight reduction, to bargain, for illnesses, Boils, tumours etc...

Blue - Soothing and calming......

For fever, pain, love, relationship, all general aspects.

Orange - Wish fulfilment

Violet - Negativity cleansing

Black - Dispel evil

Pink - Love and relationships

In numerology, the belief in a divine or mystical correlation between numbers and events, these numbers are seen as signs from the universe (or whatever higher power you jibe with). 


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